profiling tools
Develop understanding of each other through personality profiling
Do you sometimes wonder what your team is thinking or why people work in the way they do?
That’s where psychometric profiling comes in.
Profiling is a great tool for gaining an insight into what makes people tick, their areas of strength and – perhaps more importantly – where development might help them to achieve even more.
Depending on the profiling chosen, it can also be helpful in opening people’s eyes to how they are perceived by the people they work with. All of this leads to greater self-awareness among team members as well as giving them a new perspective on their colleagues.
As with all learning and development, we are aware that one size does not fit all which is why we are experienced in a number of profiling tools including SDI, MBTI, TMS, Insights and Belbin and many 360° assessment tools such as LPI and the 5 characteristics of a cohesive team.
We are also channel partners for Great People Inside providing fully customisable psychometrics for recruitment and leadership 360° feedback assessments.
Click here view our full range of Profiling Tools
Whichever one best meets your requirements, we will handle all the processing and will give individual reports, feedback and, perhaps most importantly help you plan practical applications.